Labor Day has just passed, and for many of us that means we have an official feeling of “summer is over”. A co-worker today said that summer doesn’t end until the autumnal equinox, which is September 23, this year. I think I like her theory since that gives us 15 extra days of summer!
But whether summer ended on Monday or if we have until the 23rd, the fact of the matter is that the year is moving on and the Board and staff of the library need to start planning for the fall and winter. We’ve been discussing what kind of programming we can offer, how we can help the community, and what kinds of things we can provide that don’t necessarily entail sitting in front of a computer screen. Because I’m not sure about you, but I’m kind of really over sitting in front of my computer/phone for hours a day.
First, and the easiest, is that the library is open for our normal hours, and we have access to not only books and audio books, but also DVDs, magazines, and games! If you’re planning on just hunkering down and avoiding public places (like I pretty much am) – then the library is a great place to stock up on activities for a weekend at home. We’ll even provide curb-side delivery of items you check out online, if you’re *really* feeling the need to physical distance (no shame in that!). And as part of the Mohawk Valley Library System, we can get books and media from any of library in the system.
But what else? What we really want – and need – to know, is what are the friends and patrons of our library looking for? Would you like some physically distant crafts? (Something like our grab and go craft bags that we offered for Summer Reading?)
We’re fortunate to be located right next to the old Town Hall space, which we are doubly fortunate to be able to use when it’s not booked for other Town activities. So we can offer some in-person, 6’ separate, face-masked-when-necessary activities that we wouldn’t be able to hold in our small library. We might try some ideas out and see how it works.
The other thing on our up-in-the-air-should-we-do-it is our annual Shop, Mingle & Jingle. I’m in the process of reaching out to some of our past vendors to find out what their comfort level is, and then we’ll check the feasibility about us having it. I would love to know if you would be comfortable attending it this year, if we held it?
And lastly, our hopes are pinned on the spring (already!). We have some FUN FUN FUN plans in the works that I’m going to keep secret for now (but think…PIE!!) and all of our fingers and toes are crossed we can be a little bit more comfortable about congregating then.
That’s where we are right now – mostly still up in the air. I know I ask questions on these blog posts frequently, but I, and the library staff and trustees, really need to know and would love to hear any ideas and thoughts about how you feel about programming at the library during the pandemic? Are you interested? Are you content to wait? Do you have ideas of things we could do? We want to hear it all!! Please leave a comment on our FB page, send us a message, email us at, or call us at 518-829-7248.