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"We Don't Just Talk About Books" Book Club

Updated: Apr 11, 2019

Another great discussion was held this week. The book to be discussed was John Grisham's Gray Mountain, which we did briefly touch on. Other book clubs really seem serious about what they're doing and have things like themes, set time limits, etc. We are just not. that. serious. After all, there are so many other topics to discuss as you will soon realize after reading the following summary of last night's gathering - written by our fearless facilitator:

In general people seemed to like the book, although the topic and the fact that it is basically a true story of many miners is distressing. General consensus was that because we don't witness this particular trauma everyday we compartmentalize it and focus on our own daily challenges.

We discussed the methodology of another book club that I was told about and decided that we were too ADD (attention deficit) to adopt their methods of themes for the year and voting on books for the year. We had to explain this to Lynn a number of times as she was having trouble focusing..which segued into the use of OTC meds.

We then discussed the designer ailment of the season. Of course , AGAIN, I was cutting edge -being at the pinnacle of fashion of every sort as I am- (hope this had some of you snorting LIQUID through your nose) - CRYSTALS in the ears and how they cause vertigo. Of COURSE Sandy had heard of it also- We DIVAs have to reach out to educate the plebes on occasion.. (look it up Googlites or have Bev..) Googlite Ava stepped in for Bev on the Google and helped us research balls- biggest being in the midwest by all accounts (twine, yarn, etc) We didn't look up duct tape but there is a festival every year. June 14-15, 2019 ( A road trip was suggested. Decision pending.

Bad teeth, eyes, and ears. Hair color. Cat people, dog people. Pets and their placement after they put their owner's down. We had a guest speaker but couldn't hear her as she was outside and couldn't reach the door handle.  Animals that are not people friendly (and the people who own them) as they continually wreak havoc on multiple humans. The difficulty of finding willing and able replacements for pets once owners hit their expiration date.

The in absentia males were not mentioned but earlier this month there was rumor from the Hill (Tribes) that one of them might be voted off the island (or at least out of the easy chair to under the porch) if he didn't tow the mark (I may have made that executive decision...) And because I couldn't determine if the other's keeper would remember by the time I finished the sentence, let alone til she got home- I didn't mention that the OTHER one needs a shave unless he's going for the OLDER man look...

Florida and the joys of elder care and downsizing. Which brought up the Swiss book of Death Downsizing (the title may be a bit different. Tina?) This and a number of other suggestions for the next book were discarded due to someone's dark place..(someone ELSE suggested we SHOULD go dark as SOMEONE didn't attend last night's meeting).

I also put in the plug for The Village, which has moved to 9pm on NBC.  We went from Wounded Warriors and the like, to one husband's (an amputee) irritation at the unrealistic ,over achiever persona demonstrated by these groups, to me mentioning there's one in the Village.  WELL, a FEW people (OTC, Gumby and a couple others) had a little problem trying to figure out who the amputee in Minaville was... and why I felt the need to mention it.

We finally decided on our book and because Sandy wanted a based on true life, Ava suggested Jeannette Wall's Glass Castle. I suggested we choose a different book by the same author so Ava could have a book she hadn't read. The book for May 14 @ 6:30 is Half Broke Horses.  

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